Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bush just brings the best out of me

The current President can rant and rave all he wants to about Viet Nam and Iraq, and what America should have learned, but he can't change the fact that Iraq is a mistake, on his call, and that Americans and Iraqis continue to pay the ultimate price for that error. Maybe if he would have served in Viet Nam he might have learned that American's won't continue to support a war that they don't understand, that's the way democracy works. If the president would have answered his country's call in Viet Nam, he might have had the character and experience he needed for 911, and America wouldn't have this festering puss hole of a war to deal with.

Make no mistake, George W. Bush is forcing America to re-live the mistakes of Viet Nam. Not to keep Americans free, but to prove that America didn't learn something about the President's power, the American people's support and war. I think we learned something as a country in Viet Nam, the President would have us forget that and the troops who helped us learn that lesson.

Nobody should have to die for George W. Bush's idea of America. He truly will be the last person in the world to understand invading Baghdad was a mistake. All the reasons were articulated by Cheney in 1994.

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